The Bliss Baby Charter is a growing programme, with over 175 neonatal units participating in the Charter across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Check out the map below to see all our accredited and participating units.

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Bliss Baby Charter: Accredited unit

Bliss Baby Charter: Participating unit

We are delighted to have awarded Bliss Baby Charter accreditation to the following units. All units have embedded a high quality approach to family-centred care following the Bliss Baby Charter principles.

Frimley Park Hospital

Frimley Park Hospital became the third unit to gain accreditation for it's family-centred care under the Bliss Baby Charter. They have dedicated, trained staff who offer counselling support and run peer to peer groups to promote the well-being of parents on the unit.

Read about Frimley Park's accreditation

Read Frimley Park Hospital's final report

Frimley Park Hospital have since completed the process of re-accreditation, and have achieved their Platinum Award.

Read about Frimley Park's re-accreditation

Read Frimley Park's re-accreditation report

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

The fourth neonatal unit to receive Bliss Baby Charter accreditation is the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. This unit work extremely hard to remove any barriers between parents and their baby including introducing camp beds so that parents can sleep by their baby.

Read about Royal Devon and Exeter's accreditation

Read Royal Devon and Exeter's final report

Royal Devon and Exeter have since completed the process of re-accreditation, and have achieved their Platinum Award.

Read about Royal Devon and Exeter's re-accreditation

Read Royal Devon and Exeter's re-accreditation report

Tunbridge Wells Hospital

Tunbridge Wells Hospital became the fifth neonatal unit in the UK to gain the Bliss Baby Charter accreditation. Their family-centred care features excellent support for parents and siblings including accommodation for parents to stay on site with their baby.

Read about Tunbridge Well's accreditation

Read Tunbridge Wells Hospital's final report

Tunbridge Wells have since completed the process of re-accreditation, and have achieved their Platinum Award.

Read about Tunbridge Wells re- accreditation

Read Tunbridge Wells re-accreditation report

St Peter's Hospital

St Peter's Hospital is the sixth neonatal unit in the UK to achieve Bliss Baby Charter accreditation. This unit focuses on providing holistic support to parents through the use of a family support coordinator, interpreter and safeguarding lead.

Read about St Peter's accreditation

Read St Peter's Hospital's final report

Barnsley Hospital

Barnsley Hospital became the ninth neonatal unit to be Bliss Baby Charter accredited in March 2020. The unit had excellent examples of developmental care and initiatives to ensure parents were involved in their baby's care as much as possible.

Read about Barnsley's accreditation

Read Barnsley Hospital's final report

Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital

The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital has become the first unit to be accredited for the second time. This unit runs regular parent group sessions covering a range of topics like, positive touch to increase parent confidence.

Read about Queen Alexandra's accreditation

Read Queen Alexandra's final report

Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra Hospital have since completed the process of reaccreditation, and achieved their Platinum Award

Read about Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra Hospital re-accreditation

Read Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra Hospital re-accreditation report

St Richard's Hospital

The local neonatal unit (LNU) at St Richard's Hospital became Bliss Baby Charter accredited in January 2022. This unit has a lovely sibling activity book which really involves siblings in the neonatal journey, and the unit showed a consistency of care to all families.

Read about St Richard's accreditation

Read St Richard's accreditation report

Luton and Dunstable Hospital

The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Luton and Dunstable Hospital became Bliss Baby Charter accredited in January 2022. The staff were really supportive and encouraging of both families and each other, and they also have excellent psychosocial support available to families.

Read about Luton and Dunstable's accreditation

Read Luton and Dunstable's accreditation report

Conquest Hospital

The Special Care Baby Unit at Conquest Hospital achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in March 2022. Parents commented on the excellent support for and promotion of skin to skin and the excellent array of information and resources available to support families was also evident.

Read about Conquest's accreditation

Read Conquest's accreditation report

Warwick Hospital

Warwick Hospital Special Care Baby Unit achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in May 2022. The excellent feeding support and welcoming, family-centred environment were amongst the achievements noted during their assessment.

Read about Warwick's accreditation

Read Warwick's accreditation report

West Suffolk Hospital

West Suffolk neonatal unit achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in August 2022. The dedicated community team offer a smooth transition to home for families, and the unit also benefits from extensive support from their psychologists who works with both families and staff.

Read about West Suffolk's accreditation

Read West Suffolk's accreditation report

Norfolk and Norwich Hospital

Norfolk and Norwich Neonatal Intensive Care Unit achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in August 2022. The unit offers a range of accommodation to enable families to stay as close as possible to their babies, and partners are equally involved in care giving and decision making.

Read about Norfolk and Norwich's accreditation

Read about Norfolk and Norwich's accreditation report

Royal Surrey County Hospital

Royal Surrey Neonatal Unit achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in September 2022. The unit has developed comprehensive standard operating procedures, that all include parental involvement in decision- making and planning, whilst leads in developmental care and feeding help ensure excellent parental involvement in care is also consistently supported by staff.

Read about Royal Surrey County's accreditation

Read Royal Surrey County's accreditation report

Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow

The Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in September 2022. The unit has created a multidisciplinary HUG group, involving parents, that help support and drive service improvement for the unit, and offers Child in Mind training that is focussed on the long term outcomes of babies post discharge.

Read about the Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow's accreditation

Read the Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow's accreditation report

Derriford Hospital Plymouth

Derriford Neonatal Unit achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in May 2023. The unit offers very sensitive, compassionate and comprehensive bereavement care, excellent outreach support and have implemented delivery room cuddles.

Read about Derriford's accreditation

Read Derriford's accreditation report

Queen’s Hospital Burton Neonatal Unit

Queen’s Hospital Neonatal Unit in Burton upon Trent achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in July 2023. The unit offers a comprehensive baby-led feeding offer, excellent outreach support 7 days a week and compassionate bereavement support. There is a very cohesive and passionate senior team who is focused on improving quality.

Read about Queen's Hospital's accreditation

Read Queen's Hospital's accreditation report

New Cross Hospital Neonatal Unit (The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust)

New Cross Hospital Neonatal Unit in Wolverhampton achieved its Bliss Baby Charter accreditation in July 2023. The unit has a passionate and committed team. Strong multidisciplinary team working, involving Allied Health Professionals is evident. Staff strive to promote and ensure parents' involvement in their babies care as well as in service improvement. A number of innovative practice developments and Quality Improvement programmes are being undertaken by the unit.

Read about the New Cross Hospital accreditation

Read the New Cross Hospital accreditation report

Ninewells Hospital Dundee

Ninewells Hospital Neonatal Unit in Dundee achieved its Bliss Baby Charter Accreditation in August 2023. From the award-winning welcoming design and styling of the unit, the friendly culture of the staff who find out about each family and work out how they can achieve their support needs appropriately, and the abundance of future plans and dreams of how they can continue to work to include all families, the unit is clearly family centred.

Read about the Ninewells Hospital accreditation

Read the Ninewells Hospital accreditation report

Whittington Hospital

Whittington Hospital Neonatal Unit in London achieved its Bliss Baby Charter Accreditation in July 2024. The unit has a really cohesive and passionate team, receptive and open to change and suggestions. Parents are actively encouraged and supported to be part of their baby’s care, which is individualised to meet the specific needs of each family. There is excellent provision of psychosocial support, with a psychologist embedded on the unit and weekly psychosocial meetings for the whole MDT to come together and talk about and identify families who may benefit from support, so that their needs can be met in a timely manner.

Read about the Whittington Hospital accreditation

Read the Whittington Hospital accreditation report

How Bliss is supporting health professionals to improve neonatal services

Watch a video of staff and parents at Frimley Park talking about the changes the Bliss Baby Charter has made to the neonatal unit.