Get Involved > Give to Bliss > Help us keep parents by their babies’ side

The issue

Sadly, many families with babies in neonatal care are being kept apart by a lack of accommodation on the neonatal unit.

In fact, for every 10 babies in neonatal care there is only one room available for parents to stay with them.

We think this needs to change, and need your help.

What we plan to do now

Engaging healthcare professionals with this issue is a vital step in pushing for change.

We’re raising £6,295 to fund a free training webinar which will equip healthcare professionals with the tools they need to best support parents who are forced to leave their babies overnight.

Help us take action

Your donation, no matter how small, will go a long way in helping ensure families are able to be by their babies’ sides.
Donate today

What the webinar will involve

  • Bliss’ #FamiliesKeptApart research: We want healthcare professionals to know that they aren’t alone with a lack of overnight accommodation, and that they can use our findings to advocate for improvement
  • Case studies: Healthcare professionals will gain valuable insight by hearing directly from parents about the challenges they face and from a hospital unit that is succeeding in keeping families together
  • Support strategies: We will share practical tips for providing emotional support and give guidance to parents during this traumatic experience
  • Q&A Session: Time to connect and ask questions with experts in neonatal care, parents and other healthcare professionals

We have a long-standing history of providing training webinars and supporting the development of healthcare professionals. In the last year alone, 545 professionals including doctors, nurses and psychologists attended our webinars to discuss neonatal care, how they can best support families and improve outcomes for babies born premature or sick.

"The hardest part of the journey was when I was discharged, and I had to leave my tiny 3-day old baby in a London hospital that I couldn't reach whenever I wanted to."

Eleanor (mum to Blake, born at 24 weeks + 4 days)

Other ways to get involved

Spread the word: Share our Crowdfunder with your friends, family and colleagues who might be interested in making a difference to the lives of neonatal parents and their babies.

Give a gift: Bring us one step closer to our goal of £6,295 and provide healthcare professionals with free access to our #FamiliesKeptApart webinar.

Join us in making a difference today

Your donation, no matter how small, will go a long way in helping ensure families are able to be by their babies’ sides.
Pledge your support