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Downing st 2 edit

Test story

August 27, 2024

Our son, Nathan, had a due date of 27th April but he arrived on the 3rd March at 32+1 weeks – 7 weeks 6 days early. On the morning of the 3rd March…


"I remember seeing all the different staff members playing their vital role to ensure my and my baby’s safety" – Stephanie's story

July 16, 2024

John now

'I started to blame myself for Jon being born prematurely' – Marika's story

July 11, 2024

Jacques beach

“Having accommodation helped us keep some form of normality in our lives.” – Carla’s story #FamiliesKeptApart

July 01, 2024

As part of our accommodation campaign, #FamiliesKeptApart, Carla shares how vital having a place to stay was when her baby was born at 25 weeks…

Baby in hospital attached to tubes holding parent's finger

"I tried to be at the hospital as much as possible and felt horribly guilty every time I had to go" – Lauren’s story

June 11, 2024

Twin babies wearing pyjamas lying on bed

‘Last summer really showed us all that life is worth fighting for’ – Holly’s story

June 04, 2024

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‘I obsessively read parents stories to reassure myself that a good outcome was possible’ - Sarah’s story

June 03, 2024

A parent in a hospital chair smiles looking down at their premature baby, who is directly against the skin on their chest, wrapped in a blanket. The baby has some medical tubes and wires attached to them.

‘The hardest part of the journey was when I was discharged, and I had to leave my tiny 3-day old baby’ – Eleanor’s story #FamiliesKeptApart

May 02, 2024

As part of our accommodation campaign, #FamiliesKeptApart, Eleanor shares how hard it was to leave her newborn baby at hospital, while caring for her…

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So close yet so far – Natasha’s story #FamiliesKeptApart

April 18, 2024

As part of our accommodation campaign, #FamiliesKeptApart, Natasha shares how important it is for parents to have access to good quality…


My son’s journey with Bartter Syndrome - Ellie’s story

April 16, 2024

Ellie’s son Harry was born prematurely at 29 weeks, in January 2013. In her story, Ellie talks us through Harry’s journey with Bartter Syndrome, and…


“Visiting my own baby – I couldn’t comprehend it” - Ashley’s story #FamiliesKeptApart

April 16, 2024

As part of our campaign, #FamiliesKeptApart, Ashley illustrates why it was so important to stay on the unit with her baby.

Paige 1

“Be proud of the small steps your little ones make” - Paige and Kieran's story

April 16, 2024

Paige and Kieran's son Arthur was born at 30 weeks and spent 47 days in NICU. In their story, Paige offers her advice to other parents going through…

Wioletta 1

“It is so hard to see your baby in hospital” - Wioletta’s story

April 16, 2024

Wioletta shares her story of having two premature babies, Angelina and Dominic, who were born seven and four weeks early, as well as reflecting on…

Richard 1

“I found the Bliss website so I could read and prepare myself for what was about to unfold” - Richard’s story

April 16, 2024

Richard’s baby boy Hugo spent ten days in NICU. In his story, he shares how the Bliss website helped him during their neonatal journey, and the…

Rhiannon 1

“Biliary Atresia is such a scary condition, but Isaac fought so hard” - Rhiannon’s story

April 16, 2024

Rhiannon’s baby boy Isaac was born just shy of 37 weeks. In her story, she shares how Isaac was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, which he fought so…

Katrina 1

122 days in neonatal care - Katrina's story

April 12, 2024

Katrina's daughter Sienna was born at 26+3 weeks. In her story and own personal letter to Sienna, she shares her experience of being a single parent…

Niki 11

"No matter how I felt at times, I came to realise I wasn’t alone in feeling that way" - Niki's story

March 19, 2024

Niki's son Arwyn was born at 37 weeks via c-section in February 2023. In her story, Niki shares her feelings towards their NICU experience, and the…

Chelsey 1

"Accept the support and help from friends and family" - Chelsey’s story

February 27, 2024

Chelsey's son Charlie was born via c-section, and from there was admitted to NICU. In her story, Chelsey shares how she was also battling an…

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