Who will this help?

The fund will allow parents or guardians with either premature or sick babies in neonatal care in Scotland to claim reimbursement for food and travel expenses.

All parents with a baby receiving neonatal care in Scotland on, or after, 1 April 2018 can claim expenses.

What does this fund cover?

The fund can be used to help parents cover the costs of:


  1. Up to 14p per mile for one return car journey each day per family


  1. Public transport costs will be reimbursed in full for one return journey per day per family. Standard class bus, train and ferry fare can be reclaimed upon production of receipts. Families living on the outlying islands of Scotland can claim up to two return journeys by air per week per family.

Parking and Tolls:

  1. Car parking and road tolls can be reclaimed in full on the submission of receipts. Some NHS Boards already provide permits for parents with babies in neonatal care – please speak to staff at your local hospital to find out whether a permit is available before asking for a refund.

Food and drink:

  1. Meal costs may be covered free of charge for one parent by the NHS Board. Please speak to staff at your local hospital to find out if you are eligible.


  1. For hospitals where this scheme is not in place, a reimbursement of up to £8.50 per day against food and non-alcoholic beverages can be claimed on production of receipts.

The fund cannot be used to pay for accommodation.

How can I claim?

You can find full details about the fund, and how to submit a claim on this dedicated website. If your baby is currently receiving neonatal care, you can also ask neonatal staff and Bliss Scotland unit volunteers for more information.