The Bliss Baby Charter was designed to standardise high quality family-centred care across the UK. It is a practical framework for neonatal units to self-assess the quality of family-centred care they deliver against a set of seven core principles. It enables units to audit their practices and develop meaningful plans to achieve changes that benefit babies and their families.

The Bliss Baby Charter gives units a clear focus that is based on, and supports, national standards, and places families at the centre of the care for their baby(ies).

What are the Bliss Baby Charter principles?

The seven Bliss Baby Charter principles are:

  • Social, developmental and emotional needs
  • Decision making
  • Specialist services and staff
  • Benchmarking
  • Unit information and support for families
  • Feeding
  • Discharge

Explore each of these principles in more detail or download the PDF at the bottom of this page.

For an insight in to expected time frames for audit completion, have a look at our timeline.

Digital Tool

In 2021, we introduced a digital version of the Baby Charter tool to make the audit process easier for units. Now Unit Leads can spend more time working on delivering improvements to family centred care rather than working through complicated spreadsheets.

Are you interested in getting involved with the Baby Charter?

Complete our registration form to find out more and a member of our team will get in touch
Register now

I am grateful that Bliss provided the means by which we could objectively assess our service and improve it. The re-audit clearly proves that it works making our service more family-centred.

Liz Mckechnie, Consultant Neonatologist at Leeds General Infirmary

Bliss Baby Charter booklet

Download our Baby Charter principles booklet (PDF).