Health Professionals > Bliss Baby Charter > How to join > Going further with the Bliss Baby Charter

Baby Charter Stages

In order to ensure all the hard work of units from registration to accreditation is appropriately recognised, the Baby Charter Programme is split into stages:

  • Self-Audit: The first stage of the Charter, where units input information about their practice into the Baby Charter Audit.
  • Pledge of Improvement: Submission of Audit 1 to Bliss team for feedback. Pledge of Improvement certificate awarded.
  • Bronze Award: Submission of Audit 2 to Bliss team for feedback. Bronze certificate awarded.
  • Silver Award: Multiple audits reviewed until rated 90% green in each principle. Psychosocial support evidence reviewed by external advisors and successful pre-assessment visit from Bliss team. Silver certificate awarded .
  • Gold Accreditation: Assessment visit from Bliss and external assessors to confirm unit is of Baby Charter standard. Gold Accreditation awarded lasting 3 years. 
  • Platinum Accreditation: Re-assessment of unit once 3 years has passed since Gold Accreditation. Platinum Accreditation awarded lasting 3 years.

We know that achieving accreditation is important, but it’s only made possible thanks to all the changes made along the way. This structure celebrates those changes that we know make such a difference to babies and families.

Mum and nurse either side of a cot looking and smiling at the baby


Since it was first launched over a decade ago, the Bliss Baby Charter has always been offered free to units, including the direct support and assessment provided by Bliss. Initially we received Department of Health (IESD) funding to support this work, however, since 2015 all Baby Charter costs have been funded out of Bliss’ core income.

As these costs have increased – in particular as more units have taken up the Charter and more have progressed through to the resource-intensive assessment and accreditation stages – this has become increasingly difficult for Bliss to sustain out of core funding given the many competing demands of our different services.  

In this context, and in light of the exceptionally challenging fundraising environment we find ourselves in as a result of COVID-19, we have taken the decision to introduce some charges for the Baby Charter from the 2020-21 financial year onwards.

Our starting principle is that all neonatal units will retain free access to the Bliss Baby Charter tool in order to self-assess their practice against all principles – we believe this is a vital foundation to ensure that all units are able to undertake some Baby Charter activity, even where they are not able to access funding to progress through to the accreditation stages.  

The following stages in the new programme process, those that require direct input from Bliss staff, will be based upon a stepped fee structure, as detailed below. In the later stages, Bliss acts as an independent assessor ensuring parity of assessment and achievement.

It also supports units to share best practice and learn from other units to improve their family centred care. We have set our costs at what we believe to be a modest and feasible level for units, while also helping to cover the costs of the staff time involved in providing direct support and assessment.  

If you have further questions about these changes, have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page for more insight.



  • Phase Details: Use of the digital Baby Charter tool to self-assess the Family Centred Care delivered on the unit 
  • Bliss Support: N/A
  • Cost: Free

Pledge of Improvement 

  • Phase Details:  Submission of Audit 1 to Bliss team for feedback
  • Bliss Support:
    • 1 email with feedback 
    • Certificate created and sent 
    • Opportunity to call to discuss feedback on the phone or zoom 
  • Cost: £300

Bronze Award 

  • Phase Details:  Submission of Audit 2 to Bliss team for feedback
  • Bliss Support:
    • Second feedback via email
    • Certificate created and sent (bronze award)
    • Opportunity to call to discuss feedback or queries on the phone or zoom
    • Email support
  • Cost: £600

Silver Award  

  • Phase Details:  Multiple audits reviewed until rated 90% green in each principle. Psychosocial support evidence reviewed by external advisors and successful pre-assessment visit from Bliss team
  • Bliss Support:
    • Multiple feedback via email until 90% green
    • Opportunity to call to discuss feedback or queries on the phone or zoom 
    • Email support through babycharter@bliss inbox 
    • Psychosocial support evidence reviewed by advisory group 
    • Pre-assessment visit with Bliss team
    • Email explaining next steps and results from visit 
    • Certificate created and sent  (silver award)
  • Cost: £900

Gold  Accreditation 

  • Phase Details: Assessment visit
  • Bliss Support:
    • Full day assessment visit with Bliss staff and independent volunteer assessors
    • Email support through babycharter@bliss inbox
    • Email explaining next steps and results from visit 
    • Accreditation award created and sent 
    • Opportunity to call to discuss feedback or queries on the phone or zoom
  • Cost: £1800

Platinum Accreditation

  • Phase Details: Re-assessment visit
  • Bliss Support:
    • Email outlining plan for the visit 
    • Email explaining next steps & results from visit 
    • Award created and sent 
    • Opportunity to call to discuss feedback or queries on the phone or zoom 
    • May send some emails back and forth if there are items outstanding that need to be sent to Bliss before accreditation can be awarded 
    • Phone or email support for queries
  • Cost: £2000

If you think you're ready for the next stage of the process, please complete our invoice form below.

Are you ready for the next stage of the process?

Complete our invoice form to apply for the next stage
Baby Charter Invoice