Health Professionals > Bliss Baby Charter > How to join > Register for the Baby Charter

From 2021, thanks to grant funding from the Fidelity UK Foundation, we will be able to deliver a fully digital version of the Baby Charter, with audit activity and support to take place using a web-based tool. This will make the process of completing audits, submitting evidence, and tracking progress far more straightforward.

You can access the Baby Charter digital tool here.

To join the Baby Charter, please complete the registration form below and our team will be in touch to set you up on the digital tool. This stage of the Baby Charter is completely free for all units.

I am grateful that Bliss provided the means by which we could objectively assess our service and improve it. The re-audit clearly proves that it works making our service more family-centred.

Liz Mckechnie, Consultant Neonatologist at Leeds General Infirmary

Are you interested in getting involved with the Baby Charter?

Complete our registration form to find out more and a member of our team will get in touch
Register now